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Chuanghui Communications Collaborates With Various Executive Units to Explore New Approaches to Cross-Regional Integration of Industry and Education

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Chuanghui Communications Collaborates With Various Executive Units to Explore New Approaches to Cross-Regional Integration of Industry and Education

2023-11-04 00:00:00

On October 31st, the National Exhibition of Achievements in the Integration of Industry and Education in the Intelligent Collaborative Robotics Industry, along with the establishment conference of the community, was held. It was a grand event aimed at the future, exploring the future, and creating the future. Enterprises, universities, and research institutions gathered together, and Shandong Chuanghui, as an executive unit, was invited to participate. Together with 31 undergraduate institutions, 86 vocational colleges, 106 upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, industry associations, and leaders from research institutes nationwide, they jointly explored new approaches to cross-regional integration of industry and education.

During the conference, Academician Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Engineering expressed his hope in his speech that through the community, the training goals for China's new industrialization talents can be clarified. By addressing the needs of talent development in the industry and the socio-economic development, and through various policies, funding support, and other means, it can encourage the deep integration of industry and education, providing a continuous supply of technology and talent support to the development of the intelligent collaborative robotics industry. Liu Mingliang, Deputy Director of the Education and Examination Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, stated that the establishment of the community is a vivid practice to promote the integrated development of education, science and technology, industry, and talent, as well as an important exploration to promote the development of vocational education.

"Yantai Vocational College, as a national 'Double High' institution, has strong professional advantages in intelligent manufacturing, intelligent control, and other fields," said Wei Wei, Deputy Director of the Vocational Education Department of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education. He also emphasized that the establishment of the integration community has unlimited development potential and promising prospects for cooperation.

As a provincial-level leading enterprise, Chuanghui Communication has consistently leveraged its corporate capabilities to deepen the integration of industry and education with universities, contributing to the organic linkage of talents. After this conference, Chuanghui Communication will actively respond to the call and work together with other executive units to comprehensively integrate industry and education resources, establish mechanisms for industry and education alignment, jointly carry out talent development, achieve efficient cooperation between schools and enterprises, and implement the national vocational education "one body with two wings" strategic deployment.