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High Performance Inertial Measurement Unit MAITE-900


High Performance Inertial Measurement Unit MAITE-900

1. High precision MEMS inertial navigation.

2. Support dynamic fast alignment.

3. High bandwidth, 400Hz combined mode data update.

4. SPI and 1-way UART.

5. Small in size and light in weight.

6. Solid and reliable.

7. Fully compatible with ADIS16488A

    MAITE-900 Introduction

    Inertial Measurement Unit LINS16488 is an inertial measurement device with small volume and high overload resistance. Gyro zero bias stability is 2/ h (Allan), and accelerometer zero bias stability is 50ug (Allan). It can be used for precise navigation, control and dynamic measurement of weapons. This series of products use high-precision MEMS inertial devices, which have high reliability and high firmness, and can still accurately measure the angular velocity and acceleration information of the moving carrier in harsh environments. 

    LINS16488 has a built-in three-axis gyro and three-axis plus meter for measuring the three-axis angular rate and three-axis acceleration of the carrier. The gyro and accelerometer data with error compensation (including temperature compensation, installation misalignment angle compensation, nonlinear compensation, etc.) are output through the serial port according to the agreed communication protocol, and the three-axis magnetic sensor and air pressure sensor are built in.


    1. 12-Step Quality Control, Super Reliability, More Functions.
    2. Adopting Original Big Brand Component, High-class Material, Competitive Price.
    3. Real Actual Precise after Calibration, Perfect Performance.
    Successful Applications in Tens of Fields, More than 1000 Customers are Using.



    Unmanned Aircraft

    Smart Agriculture


    Unmanned Vehicle


    Parameter Test Condition Min. Nominal Max Unit
    Gyroscope Measurement Range ±450 deg/ s
    Zero bias stability Allan variance 2 deg /h
    Random walk 0.1 deg / Vh
    Zero bias repeatability -40。C W TA W +85。C 0.1 0.2 deg/ s
    Scale factor repetition -40。C W TA W +85。C 0.2 1 %
    Scale factor nonlinearity FS=450 。/s 0.1 0.2 %FS
    Bandwith 400 Hz
    Measurement Range ±6 ±18 g
    Scale factor nonlinearity 0.1 mg
    Random walk 0.02 0.02 m/s/ Vh
    Accelerometer Zero bias repeatability -40。C W TA W +85。C ±5 mg
    Scale factor repetition -40。C W TA W +85。C 0.5 1 %
    Scale factor nonlinearity 0.1FS=6g 0.2FS=18g %FS
    Bandwith 200 Hz 3dB
    Magnetometer Dynamic measurement range ±2.5 gauss
    Resolution 120 uGauss
    Noise density 50 uGauss
    Bandwith 200 Hz
    Barometer Pressure range 450 1100 mbar
    Resolution 0.1 mbar
    Absolute measurement accuracy 1.5 mbar
    COM interface 1-way SPI baud rate 15 MHz
    1-way UART baud rate 9.6 230.4 921.6 Kbps
    Electrical characteristics Voltage 3 3.3 3.6 V
    Power Consumption 1.5 W
    Ripple P-P 100 mV
    Structural characteristics Dimension 44X47X14 mm
    Weight 50 g
    Working Temperature -40 75
    Storage Temperature -45 85
    Use environment Vibration 10 ~2000Hz, 3g
    Shock 30g, 11ms
    Overload (Half-sine 0. 5msec) 1000g
    Criminality MTBF 20000 h
    Continuous working time 120 h

    Coordinate System Definition

    The coordinate system definitions of three gyros (gx, gy, gz) and three accelerometers (ax, , ) are shown in the figure below, and the arrow direction is positive.


    Read and Write Data

    LINS16488 is an autonomous sensor system. When there is an effective power supply, it will start automatically. After completing the initialization process, it starts sampling, processing and loading the calibrated sensor data into the output register, which can be accessed through the SPI port. SPI port is usually connected to compatible port of embedded processor. See figure for connection diagram. Four SPI signals support synchronous serial data transmission. In the factory default configuration, DIO2 provides data ready signal; When new data is available in the output data register, the pin goes high.


    General Purpose Host Processor(SPI) Settings

    Processor Settings Description
    HOST LINS16488 as slave
    SCLK < 15 MHz Maximum serial clock rate
    SPI Mode 3 CPOL = 1(Polarity), CPHA = 1(phase)
    MSB priority mode Sequence
    16 bit mode Shift register / data length

    SPI Communication

    If the previous command is a read request, the SPI port supports full duplex communication. The external processing device can read DOUT while simultaneously writing to DIN, as shown in the diagram below.


    SPI Read/Write Timing Read Sensor Data

    LINS16488 automatically starts and activates page 0 for data register access. After accessing any other page, 0x00 should be written to page_ ID register (DIN = 0x8000) to activate page 0 in preparation for subsequent data access. A single register read operation requires two 16 bit SPI cycles. In the first cycle, the bit allocation function in Fig. 1 is used to request to read the contents of a register; In the second cycle, the contents of the register are output through dout. The first bit of the din command is 0, followed by the high or low address of the register. The last 8 bits are irrelevant bits, but the SPI needs a complete 16 sclks to receive the request. The following figure shows two consecutive register read operations. First, DIN = 0x1a00, request Z_ GYRO_ Contents of out register, then DIN = 0x1800, request Z_ GYRO_ The contents of the low register.


    SPI read operation example User register memory mapping

    R/W PAGE_ ID Address Default Register description
    R/W 0x00 0x00 0x00 Page ID
    R 0x00 0x0E N/A Temperature
    R 0x00 0x10 N/A X- axis gyro output, low word
    R 0x00 0x12 N/A X- axis gyro output, high word
    R 0x00 0x14 N/A Y- axis gyro output, low word
    R 0x00 0x16 N/A Y- axis gyro output, high word
    R 0x00 0x18 N/A Z- axis gyro output, low word
    R 0x00 0x1A N/A Z- axis gyro output, high word
    R 0x00 0x1C N/A X-axis accelerometer output, low word
    R 0x00 0x1E N/A X-axis accelerometer output, high word
    R 0x00 0x20 N/A Y-axis accelerometer output, low word
    R 0x00 0x22 N/A Y-axis accelerometer output, high word
    R 0x00 0x24 N/A Z-axis accelerometer output, low word
    R 0x00 0x26 N/A Z-axis accelerometer output, high word
    R 0x00 0x28 N/A X- axis magnetic, high word
    R 0x00 0x2A N/A Y- axis magnetic, high word
    R 0x00 0x2C N/A Z- axis magnetic, high word
    R 0x00 0x2E N/A Air pressure output, low word
    R 0x00 0x30 N/A Air pressure output, high word
    R/W 0x03 0x00 0x00 Page ID
    R/W 0x03 0x06 0x000D Control, I / O pin, function definition
    R/W 0x03 0x08 0x00X0 Control, I / O pin, general
    R/W 0x04 0x00 0x00 Page ID
    R 0x04 0x20 N/A Serial number

    Formula: current temperature = 25+ TEMP_OUT* 0. 00565

    Angle rate value is calculated as followed:
    X-axis gyroscope X_GYRO_OUT X_GYRO_LOW
    1LSB=0.02° /S MSB’s weight is 0. 01°/s, the subsequent data’s weight is half of the last one
    0. 02*X_GYRO_OUT 0.01*MSB+0. 005*...

    Angle rate value is calculated as followed:
    X-axis accelerometer X_ACCL_OUT X_ACCL_LOW
    1LSB=0. 8mg MSB’s weight is 0.4mg, the subsequent data’s weight is half of the last one
    0.8*X_ACCL_OUT 0. 4*MSB+0. 2*...

    Megnetic filed value is calculated as followed:
    X-axis magnetic X_MAGN_OUT
    1LSB=0. 1mGauss
    0. 1*X_MAGN_OUT

    Pressure value is calculated as followed:
    Pressure(Bar) BAROM_OUT BAROM_LOW
    1LSB=40ubar MSB’s weight is 20ubar, the subsequent data’s weight is half of the last one
    40*BAROM_OUT 20*MSB+10*....


    For gyro, adder and magnetic component, the high 16bit and low 16bit are calculated respectively, and the final result is the sum;
    UART reading and writing data;
    Interface: 230400bps, 8-bit data bit, 1-bit stop bit, no parity check;
    Protocol format: divided into protocol header, protocol body and protocol tail; 200Hz ;
    The coordinate axis is defined as right front upper.
    Protocal Byte Number Data Unit Data Type Remark
    Header 0 0x5A
    1 0x5A
    Data 2〜5 X- axis gyro dps float
    6〜9 Y- axis gyro dps float
    10 〜13 Z- axis gyro dps float
    14 〜17 X- axis accel g float
    18 〜21 Y- axis accel g float
    22 〜25 Z- axis accel g float
    26 〜29 Heading rad float
    30 〜33 Pitch rad float
    34 〜37 Roll rad float
    38 〜41 Temperature 。C float
    42 〜45 Barometer mbar float
    46 〜49 X- axis magentic uT float
    50 〜53 Y- axis magentic uT float
    54 〜57 Z- axis magentic uT float
    Longitude 。/ 。/m
    58 〜68 Latitude Altitude float
    69 〜77 speed m/s float
    End 78 Checksum 2 to 77 bytes are accumulated and summed, and the lower byte is taken

    Pin Definition

    Pin Number Name Type Description
    10, 11, 12 VDD Power
    13, 14, 15 GND Power Ground
    7 DIO1 input/output Universal IO, configurable
    9 DIO2 input/output
    1 DIO3 input/output
    2 DIO4 input/output
    3 SPI-CLK input SPI master-slave mode can be configured, and the default is slave mode
    4 SPI-MISO output
    5 SPI-MOSI input
    6 SPI-CS input
    19 UART-0-TXD output UART0, baud rate configurable, default is 230400bps
    20 UART-0- RXD input
    8 RST input Reset
    23 VDDRTC power None
    16 ~ 19,21,24 NC reserved None



